Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What's a biker to do?

So, what is a rider supposed to do when cars refuse to move over? Nothing. It's a play on power, SUVs don't move when a Geo Metro tries to merge. Share the road you say? In this case riders only want 3 feet of space because anything can happen that can throw a rider off potential slamming into a passing car. No, I'm not asking for a lane nor do I ride in a single lane with tons of traffic it is a 3 lane road where I have never seen a car in each lane 3 abreast except at a stop light. So, No driver education....No common sense...or just plain bicycle hater? I'll never know as you fly past me at 55 mph.

1 comment:

Damie said...

yeah, I hear ya. I come home with horror stories after almost every ride. I am glad to see you commute to work, though! I need to get a little bike to handle that task for me!