Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rock on Donkey Kong

So weather is getting cold and the "garage de la pain" is in full swing. It is where Doug get some of the Thunder racing team together and does a spin class. Last night was the hardest or best one. It is an individual effort and they harp on me to teach me form which is exactly why I joined a team. It was basically technique drills one legged and power drills then high cadence at 120 rpm concentrating on the technique then all that followed by some squat holds. fun stuff!

I hope I feel like swimming tomorrow morning. I've posted a vid. of a lap on you-tube lets see if I can link it....I can find so many more things wrong by watching this than being in the pool and would recommend everyone video themselves if they could for immediate feedback.

1 hr 20 min. spinning.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In the beginning....has that title been taken?

So I joined a triathlon team, started training a little bit with them to keep me motivated in the off season. I haven't been running near enough my legs do feel really fresh though maybe biking so much has built them up some? who knows. I'm hitting 5k's at 24:40 which is slower than I should be. My distance has sufferered from not running...however I've been swimming a good bit so my next triathlon won't be as suicidal as my first...

spinerval session tonight with the team.