Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm in my mid 20s

I went to an orthopedist today, he took x-rays and wiggled my knee pushing it from side to side until it hurt and popped ALOT! he pushed until my face turned red(er) and then pushed harder. After all that he said you've just stressed some meniscus or something like that and he just recommended that I cut my miles in half and take 6 to 8 Ibprofen/day. I can't wait to tell my girl because I am sure she is tired of me complaining about it and I think she was a bit worried too. I asked him other question like if he sees any bone spurs and how is my knee wearing...he said I am good to go and have plenty of cushion left! I definately wanted to hear that! I can't wait to get out and run some of this 90 degree weather! Hopefully I'll be able to do MightyMite this weekend..but doubt it, I don't want to push too hard and ruin something for sure.
Friday, June 6, 2008
No training in the near future
So I've been icing my knee for it seems like forever. No updates to give anyone about training thats for sure. Instead I've been working on my core strength using dumbell back lifts and cougar crawls...wierd stuff like that whatever I can find to stay active and not have that frustrated/bored feeling that can happen. On the more fun side I went and had a mexican drink called horchata which seems super easy to make! Chuk took me out and we went to a restraunt that was -100% english speakers. I'm surprised they took dollars rather than Mexican peso. I also took a quick snap shot from my bosses truck of Rampage Jackson's dumptruck running the roads of Memphis, TN. That was a great random and fun shot! well, i'm going to support my friends running the Harbortown 5k tonight bummer I can't do it. It makes me think of what I would do if I didn't work out or be an active person. What kind of person would I be like? I blame being active on Dad and Mom so thanks! If you have kids keep them active motivate them in school and physical activities. Give them that balance so they can choose what they want to focus on later in life. I'll let ya stew on that one! Looking foward to my 93 degree weekend weather!
Monday, June 2, 2008
"Just the way it is."

That line keeps coming back to me over and over when wierd stuff starts to happen. For example, I want to go out and run or bike but I can't because my knee is acting stupid and refuses to run. I only got to MTN bike 18 miles run 9 this whole weekend! I'm told its like some kind of tendonitis. I'll just try to stay off of it but that is SOO HARD! I just have to look to the future and tell myself that it will be better in the future. But this weekend was pretty fun I got to take care of Chuk's dogs and they were cool, except when the small one missed the "pee-pad"..not cool! I went on a photo expedition in South Memphis and captured some shots there. I was way out of my element there but it was all a great experience. I've attached pictures from the Ytri, the fun dogs that want to play ALLLL the time, and a couple of Memphis shots. I got to talk with my girl alot this weekend which was just great!... weekend minutes are the BEST! If you're reading this you're the best! Oh you just texted me how cool...
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